Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Digital Media 2 Market - a wake-up call

This morning, I attended the Digital Media 2 Market Conference at the Arden Park Hotel. Impressive collection of individuals who are interested and influential in the field. Great panelists who are passionate about what they do.

The exception? Me.

As a website and graphic designer, I felt it was a no-brainer that I attend. I wanted to see and hear what was happening and new in the digital field. In that regard, it may not have disappointed. However, after two full panel discussions, I decided the value wasn't there for me.

Seeing all of these panelists who are highly regarded in their fields, as well as all of the attendees listening intently, helped solidify in my mind something I've been grappling with for quite some time in regards to my career.

I don't want to build things. I don't want to be responsible for a commodity that makes millions. I don't care that the Wii sells millions of dollars worth of consoles and games. I want no part of that.

For my life to have meaning, I want o help people - directly. I want to help farmers and artisans to thrive in their livelihoods and keep them on their farms (all 1.5% of the total population). I want to help consumers reconnect around the table while supporting their local producers. I want to contribute toward the reduction of urban sprawl and encroachment on agricultural land.

Back to work.

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